Alexander's ChallengePlaying Mike Curry last week, I had a rack of ENNOPY with a blank . There is only one seven in those letters – HYPNONE – and I didn’t...
A Front HookIn my second streamed game last weekend the word CRED was put on the board. I simply did not think of the A hook to go in front of it...
Trans Tasman VictoryNew Zealand won the biannual test against Australia by 165 games to 123. Well done everyone.   A Grade Challenge  Because all the A...
Dwarf BuffaloThis blog is about the letters AAO. There is only one 4 letter word that will allow you to play those three vowels. ANOA - a dwarf...
4 Consonants 4 VowelsStill in Buenos Aires playing bridge, but we have been knocked out of the main event. We qualified in 13th place to make the knockout...