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Casting a Fresh Eye on Retina

The inspiration for this theme comes from Liz Fagerlund who mentioned a word she had played at the Nationals last week. It was a very good find because it was an odd group of letters and it was a 7 letter word ending –EYE. I wondered how many bingos ended with those 3 letters and it turns out there are 12 words of 7 letters and 7 words of 8 letters that end in –EYE. So that is your quiz for this blog. How many of those 19 words can you find? As usual the answers are at the bottom of the page.

I thought I would do a RETINA list, but as it is one of the basic word lists most of you will be very familiar with that. Some of the 8 letter words with RETINA are less well known and worthy of study, but that is a very big list. To give you something manageable I have chosen 8 letter RETINA words that don’t have any other anagrams. ATABRINE/RABATINE might be useful to know, but the fact that there are two words with those letters means they won’t be on today's list:

AERATING Putting air into

NAARTJIE A small sweet orange like a mandarin (Also NAARTJE, NARTJIE)


AERATION Exposure to air

ANTIRAPE Concerned with rape prevention

INAURATE To cover with gold

ANTIWEAR Designed to reduce wear

ATRAZINE A weed killer

BACTERIN A vaccine derived from dead bacteria

ACENTRIC Being without a centre

ARENITIC Like arenite, a rock made of sandy grains.

CLARINET A musical instrument

TRANCIER More TRANCEY, referring to a hypnotic like effect

INTERACT Combine together

ANURETIC The inability to urinate

NAVICERT A document allowing passage through a naval blockade

XERANTIC Relating to XERANSIS, a drying up

INDARTED Darted in

ANTHERID The male reproductive organ of some plants

DAINTIER More dainty

DIPTERAN Two winged insects like gnats and mosquitos

NITRATED Applied nitrates (as fertiliser)

INERTIAE A plural of INERTIA, the tendency to resist acceleration

ANTIMERE One of two halves of bilaterally symmetrical animals

APERIENT A laxative medication

RETAINER One who retains

FAINTIER More FAINTY, which is somewhat faint

INFLATER One that inflates (also INFLATOR)

RETAKING The act of taking again

RETAXING The act of taxing again

ANTIHERO A villain. A principal character who lacks noble qualities

PERIANTH An outer covering of a flower

HAURIENT A heraldic term meaning depicted with the head up (also HAURIANT)

TARWHINE An Australian fish

INERTIAL Tending to resist acceleration

TRIENNIA The plural of TRIENNIUM, a period of three years

PAINTIER More PAINTY, covered in paint

TRIAZINE A nitrogen compound used in herbicides

JAUNTIER More JAUNTY, briskly self-assured

KNITWEAR Knitted clothing

INTERNAL An inner attribute. INTERNALS is OK, even if it doesn’t look right!

RATTLINE Any of the small lines making up the rigging of a sailing ship

INTERVAL A time between periods or events

INTERLAY To place between

TRAINMEN Railroad employees

RUMINATE To ponder


TYRAMINE A colourless crystalline substance found in cheese

INERRANT Free from error

INTRANET A network of computers, such as within a company

ATROPINE A medicine made from deadly nightshade (also ATROPIN, ATROPIA)


TENTORIA Plural of TENTORIUM. Protective brain & spinal cord membrane

NOTARIZE Testify officially

TRIPTANE A powerful aviation fuel

PAINTURE The art of painting

EXPIRANT Someone who is expiring

RETIRANT Someone who is retiring (also RETIREE)

VERATRIN A poisonous mixture of alkaloids

INTERWAR Between wars

TINWARES Articles made of tinplate

TAINTURE Defilement

VAUNTIER From VAUNTY, VAUNTIE or VAWNTIE, meaning boastful


There are some normal words in there with all the interesting odd ones, but don’t overlook the ones you already knew the meaning of. For example, I think NITRATED is a particularly difficult one to spot when you get those letters in front of you.

Before I give you the 7 and 8 letter EYE words I will give you another 7 words that I didn’t ask you to find. They are 7 letter words that end in EYES.

BIGEYES Marine fishes with large eyes

BUGEYES Small boats (No I wouldn’t have guessed the meaning either)

MAMEYES Tropical plants

MUDEYES The larvae of dragonfly, sometimes used as fishbait

REDEYES Railroad danger signals

RIBEYES Choice cuts of beefsteak

WAXEYES Small New Zealand birds

The reason that I didn’t include these in your challenge is because there is an unusual one in there. MAMEYES is one of the plurals of MAMEY, so MAMEYE is not correct. the other plural is the more normal MAMEYS. Yes, it seems a bit weird to me too.

Anyway here are the 12 words of 7 letters:

BUCKEYE the American horse chestnut

COCKEYE A squinting eye

DEADEYE A rounded wooden block used in making shrouds and stays

FISHEYE A suspicious stare

FROGEYE A plant disease

GOLDEYE A freshwater fish

MOONEYE A freshwater fish of the shad family

OVEREYE To survey

PINKEYE An inflammation of the eye

SHUTEYE A period of sleep

SOCKEYE A salmon. (And also an excellent find by Liz)

WALLEYE An eye in which the iris is pale or whitish

And here are the 7 words of 8 letters:

AFTEREYE To gaze after

BIRDSEYE A kind of primrose

BULLSEYE The centre of the target

GREENEYE An Atlantic fish with pale green eyes

POPESEYE Popeseye steak is thinly sliced rump steak

TIGEREYE A gemstone. A golden brown striped form of quartz

WATCHEYE An eye in which the iris is pale or whitish. (Same as WALLEYE)

Next time you go to a restaurant I dare you to ask for popeseye steak and see what reaction you get!



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