More Words With Five Vowels
I thought the quiz could be a little different this time. There are ten words of 8 letters that have 5 vowels, of which 3 of them are the letter I.
I have given you all the letters for them below, but just for a change I will also give you the meanings. That will definitely help you solve at least 2 or 3 of them.
AADIIINR A congenital condition in which the eye is incompletely formed
AAIIILMR A skin condition
AAIIIMNR A preliminary stomping and glaring ritual in Sumo wrestling
ACCIIIOT A South American tree whose seeds are used in paints and varnishes
ADIIIQRU A cocktail
AEIIINTT To begin or start
AEIIIRRT Gladiators armed with nets
CDEIIIOS Stupidities
HIIIOOPP (Maori) The New Zealand pipit (a bird)
IIIOSTTU A marmoset (type of South American monkey)
Some words there you should find and some very unlikely ones as well. I thought the most surprising thing was that if your rack was AAIIIMR that there would be two different letters you could look for on the board to try to play a bingo.
There are nearly 500 words of 8 letters that have 5 vowels. The ones above are perhaps some of the more unlikely ones, so this week’s list will be the 50 most probable ones:
AERATION Exposure to the action of air
AEROLITE A meteorite
ETAERIOS Aggregated fruits like blackberries
DOUANIER A customs officer
OUTRAISE To surpass in raising
SAUTOIRE A long necklace or a pendant on a long chain.
IDEATION The power of the mind to form images
IODINATE To treat with iodine
TAENIOID Like a tapeworm
INERTIAE Tendencies to resist acceleration
ERIONITE A mineral which occurs in white woollike crystals
INAURATE to cover with gold
AEROTONE A deep bath with massage jets of compressed air
UNEASIER More mentally or physically uncomfortable
AERADIOS Canadian air radio services
OLEARIAS Types of evergreen shrubs
AERONAUT A traveller through the air
ERADIATE Shoot out like a ray of light
ALIENATE To make different or unfriendly
ALEURONE A protein found in some seeds
ETOURDIE (French) foolish or thoughtless (of a female)
THIOUREA Urea with the oxygen replaced by sulphur
NOTITIAE Lists, rolls or registers
AGOUTIES Burrowing rodents
AREOLATE Divided into areolae
METANOIA Penitence or spiritual conversion
ETIOLATE To make pale by preventing exposure to sunlight
FOEDARIE A confederate
OEDIPEAN Pertaining to libidinous feelings of a son towards his mother
DETAINEE One who is detained
EATERIES Restaurants
AURELIAN Someone who studies moths and butterfies
UREDINIA Pustules in which urediniospores are formed
DOULEIAS Inferior venerations accorded to saints and angels
AEGIRINE A green mineral, a silicate of iron and sodium
AEGIRITE A green mineral, a silicate of iron and sodium
AUDITEES People who are being audited
ARANEOUS Transparent, delicate, like a spider’s web
AUREOLED Surrounded with a halo
AUREOLES Surrounds with a halo
EUDAIMON A benevolent spirit
POULAINE A pointy toed shoe worn by a jester
MOINEAUS Small flat bastions protecting a fortress under construction
DEIONISE To remove ions from
OILERIES Oil businesses
DIALOGUE To hold a conversation between two people
EULOGIAS Blessings or holy breads (also EULOGIAE)
TAENIATE Ribbonlike, Shaped like a ribbon
I see a lot of words that have either been played by me or played against me. It is definitely worth the effort of trying to memorise any that you didn’t know.
Here are the answers to the quiz:
The next blog will be after the Mt Albert tournament. I hope you are playing
Happy Scrabbling