Hilarious Bifarious Arious
Roger Cole-Baker spoke to me on club night. He had finally got to play a bingo he had been seeking for some time. The eight letter word he played used the letters:
I remembered that it was from a list I did for the club before I started blogging online. It was bingos using the letters ARIOUS. There were fond memories about that for me because on that night my first 5 turns were bingos. I have never done that since. If I could go back and look at that night's results I would, but this was before Julie started doing her excellent work putting all the results online. That night was even more amazing because I brought along the ARIOUS list and the first of those 5 consecutive bingos was an 8 letter word using the letters:
As this blog is going to be the second coming of that letter group the last word for your opening quiz is a word which means the second coming. It uses the letters:
I won’t put the answers at the bottom of the blog this time, you will just find them as you read through this week’s list.
ARIOUS is not a combination like SATIRE or RETINA for which you try to keep the letters because if you can get it the combination goes with almost anything.
It may be only a moderately good stem, but it seems to be one that you wind up with on your rack without even trying. Although there are not many words, a lot of them are very interesting. We will start with the 7 letter words:
ARIOUS + A = SAOUARI A Guyanan butternut tree
ARIOUS + C = CARIOUS Describes teeth that are infected with decay
CURIOSA Rare and curious books
ARIOUS + D = SAUROID A type of fish
ARIOUS + G = GIAOURS People of a different religion
ARIOUS + L = OURALIS Plants from which curare is harvested
ARIOUS + R = OURARIS A different spelling of the same curare plant
ARIOUS + S = SOUARIS A different spelling of the butternut tree
ARIOUS + T = SAUTOIR A long necklace or pendant on a long chain
ARIOUS + V = SAVIOUR One who saves
VARIOUS Of diverse kinds
And these are all the 8 letter words from the ARIOUS stem:
ARIOUS + AK = OUAKARIS Short-tailed, long-haired monkeys
ARIOUS + AL = RAOULIAS A New Zealand plant (that I wouldn’t recognise)
ARIOUS + AP = PAROUSIA A coming, especially the second coming of Christ
ARIOUS + AS = SAOUARIS Guyanan butternut trees
ARIOUS + BC = CARIBOUS Large Canadian deer
ARIOUS + BM = BIRAMOUS Divided into branches
ARIOUS + BP = BIPAROUS Producing offspring in pairs
ARIOUS + CG = GRACIOUS Marked by kindness and courtesy
ARIOUS + CS = SCARIOUS Thin, dry and membranous
ARIOUS + DN = DINOSAUR Any of a group of extinct reptiles
ARIOUS + DS = SAUROIDS The plural of a certain fish
ARIOUS + DT = AUDITORS People that audit
ARIOUS + ET = OUTRAISE To surpass in raising
SAUTOIRE Long necklaces or pendants on long chains
ARIOUS + GM = GOURAMIS Large East-Indian fishes
ARIOUS + GN = AROUSING Stimulating
ARIOUS + HP = OPHIURAS members of the ophiura genus of sand stars
ARIOUS + LM = SOLARIUM A room exposed to the sun
ARIOUS + LP = PLIOSAUR A type of fossil marine reptile
ARIOUS + LT = SUTORIAL Related to cobbling
ARIOUS + LW = WOURALIS Another spelling of plants which yield curare
ARIOUS + MN = MAINOURS Acts of theft
ARIOUS + MR = ORARIUMS Stoles worn by a deacon
ROSARIUM A rose garden
ARIOUS + MS = OSSARIUM A depository for the bones of the dead
ARIOUS + NQ = NARQUOIS Mocking or malicious. Adopted from French
ARIOUS + NT = RAINOUTS Atomic fallouts occurring in rain
SUTORIAN Related to cobbling
ARIOUS + OV = OVARIOUS Consisting of eggs
ARIOUS + PV = PAVIOURS People or machines that lay paving stones
ARIOUS + ST = SAUTOIRS Long necklaces or pendants on long chains
ARIOUS + SV = SAVIOURS People that save
ARIOUS + TT = TOURISTA Traveller’s intestinal sickness
ARIOUS + TV = VIRTUOSA A female virtuoso
You have to admit there are some interesting words there. And isn’t that why we play scrabble? Because we like interesting words.. If you are still wondering about the title of this blog; BIFARIOUS is an allowable 9 letter word meaning organised in two rows. In this case the two rows are the 7 letter words and the 8 letter words
Happy Scrabbling Patrick