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AGM This Monday

Don’t miss the AGM and Prize Giving this Monday. There will also be some scrabble afterwards.


A Grade Challenge


Some 8 letter words for you to unscramble:


A     E     F     G     M     N     R     T

A     A     E     G     I     M     N      T

A     E     G     I     M     Q     R     U

A     E     G     I     M     O     R     W

A     A     A     G     L     M     S     T


B and C Grade Study List


Here are some 5 letter words you might not have known that use the letters AGM:


GAMBA – Bass violin

GAMBE – heraldic term for a beast’s leg. Also spelled GAMB

GAMBO – A Welsh farm cart or hay wagon

GAMAY – A variety of red grape

OGHAM – 6th century Irish writing alphabet

GUMMA – Syphilitic tumour

GOMPA – A Tibetan Buddhist temple

GAUMY – Dauby or smeary

GAMME – A musical scale

GEMMA – A bud from which a new plant can grow

GAMIC – Requiring fertilisation.


Obviously, the word MAGIC springs to mind first instead of GAMIC. But, give some thought to playing GAMIC. Your opponent might not think to front hook it to make AGAMIC or OGAMIC

The other interest word is GEMMA. It surprisingly does NOT take an S. Instead, you can play either or GEMMAE or GEMMAN


Answers to A Grade Challenge


AGMINATE – To cluster together


WAGMOIRE – An alternative spelling of quagmire



The definition of that last word is interesting. Zyzzyva just says stalactite. Stalactites are the ones that project downwards from the roof of a cave. However, if you google the word, it seems that it refers to stalagmites which are the deposits which build upwards from the floor of a cave

Did you spot the theme this week? All the words had AGM in that order




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