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In The POO

A Grade Challenge


Just a couple of words for you to find this week. A very ordinary bunch of letters that look moderately promising, but they are very hard to work with. They do not make a 7 letter word. Even if you can find the right letter on the board there are only two possible 8 letter words you can make. What are those two words?


R     E     N     T     P     O     O

Remember you are looking to make an 8 with another letter. There isn’t a 7.



The Mt Albert tournament has just finished with excellent results from Mt Albert players. Congratulations to:

Andrew --- 1st in A grade

Mike C --- 1st in B grade

Alexander and Merelyn --- 2nd and 3rd in C grade

Calum --- 1st in D grade

Ben, Rodney and Cooper --- 1st, 2nd and 3rd in E grade

One new word I learned from the tournament at the weekend was VERD

I often play DERV with those letters because DERV and PERV are an easy pair to remember. Deisel Engine Road Vehicle and Petrol Engine Road Vehicle.

I was pretty sure I had seen VERD before, so didn’t lose 5 points by challenging it.

However, I did lose a turn later when I added an S. It is an adjective describing certain types of antiques, so does not take an S

B and C Grade Study List


Here are some interesting 5 letter words that all contain a P plus a couple of O’s


CLOOP – Sound of a cork leaving a bottle


OOMPH – Spirited vigour

ORLOP – Lowest deck of a ship with at least 4 decks

PAOLO – Obsolete Papal coin

POBOY – New Orleans sandwich

PONGO – Any large ape

POOJA – Hindu worship. PUJA, PUJAH, POOJAH

POOKA – Malevolent goblin

POORI – Small cake of unleavened bread. PURI

POTOO – South American bird

POTTO – Nocturnal lemur

POYOU – Armadillo

TOPOI – Plural of TOPOS. A theme or topic

WOOPY – Well Off Older Person

ZOPPO – Having a syncopated beat. Doesn’t take -S


Answers to A Grade Challenge

Only two words and both are tough to find.


INOTROPE – A drug to control muscular contractions

PENTROOF – A roof that slopes only one way


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