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Keirin Gold

Before Ellesse Andrews won a Gold Medal in the Keirin how many of you even knew what that was? Did you realise that it was E before I? It looks more natural to place those vowels in the other order, but that would be a mistake. In any case, it seemed like an excellent theme to use for the blog this week. There was also the coincidence that a keirin involves the use of a DERNY, which was in the blog last week as a word that can be pluralised with an odd-looking NYS ending

A Grade Challenge

An easy week for the A graders. Only 2 words to find.

ELLESSE is on your rack. There is no bingo that you can play just with those letters, but if you find the right letters on the board there are a couple of 8 letter words that are possible.


Study List


KEIRINS is a good word to find, and it has an anagram – SINKIER – which means more yielding underfoot. The study list I have given you this week contains words that meet the following 4 criteria:

1.     They contain the letter K

2.     They are reasonably high probability letters

3.     They don’t have an alternative anagram.

4.     You might not know them or might be doubtful about them

SINKIER is a good example of that last criterion. Would you have been SURE it was a word?


ALKINES – Types of hydrocarbon

DAIKERS – DAIKER, to lounge or saunter.  Also, DAKER and DACKER

EIKONES – Plural of EIKON, a religious carving. Also IKON and ICON

KAINITE – Hydrous magnesium sulphate. Also, KAINIT

KANDIES – KANDY is a unit of weight that is used in India

KAOLINE – A pure white clay for making porcelain. Also, KAOLIN

KARENGO – An edible seaweed

KATIONS – Positively charged ions. Also, CATIONS

KERNITE – Hydrated oxide of magnesium and boron

KETAINE – An adjective meaning in poor taste

KNAIDEL – A Jewish dumpling

KOTARES – Small greenish-blue kingfishers

REAKING – REAK, to care for. Also, RECK and REKE

ROKIEST – ROKY, misty, foggy or cloudy

TRAIKED – TRAIK, to make one’s way wearily

TROAKED – TROAK, to barter. Also, TROCK and TROKE

UNAKITE – An igneous rock


Answers to A Grade Challenge


HEELLESS – Without heels

KEELLESS – Having no keel


One of the letters you want with Ellesse is a K!



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