Dumps for A-U-L-I
As I was picking up scoresheets on Monday, I noticed a board where someone had played AULI. They had been lucky to not get challenged...
No Flies On Alexander
Last week Alexander played a nice Triple-Triple against me for 131 points. It was an 8 letter word that ended in FLIES A Grade Challenge...
UV Exposure
Unfortunately, we all get exposed to UV sometimes. Just make sure you don’t get burned….. A Grade Challenge Unscramble these 7 letter...
Some Effing Good Words
The letter of the week is F. Nuff said. Yes, you can use NUFF as slang for the word enough. You have just learned your first F word in...
No, not a blog on Irish rock bands. I am sure you can figure out the theme, but I can’t cover the two classic U words of UHURU and URUBU....