A Word to the Wise
How many 7 or 8 letter words that have the ending –WISE can you think of? You might be surprised by how many there are. E-I-S are common letters to get on your rack. You should consider this possibility whenever there is a W to go with them.
Write down your words and compare them with the list at the end of this blog.
While you consider that challenge I will give you 20 unrelated words all including the letter W. Hopefully there will be some that will be useful for you.
EEEW Used to express disgust. Both EEW and EEEW were new words added
in the most recent update.
WAAH An interjection used to express wailing
WAWA To speak, adopted from native American
WHOW To impress. Your opponent might be impressed when you put an E in
front of it to make EWHOW
WUDU Islamic ritual of hand washing before daily prayers
CRWTH An ancient Celtic musical instrument
DWAAL A state of befuddlement
KWELA A form of Zulu folk music
MAHWA A kind of butter tree with edible flowers
MALWA A Ugandan drink brewed from millet
WAGYU A breed of Japanese cow. Familiar to all watchers of 'Masterchef'
WANZE To waste away
WAZIR A minister in various Muslim countries
WEDEL Ski in a swiveling motion with the skis close together. Also WEDELN
WIGGA A white youth who adopts black youth culture
WILJA An aboriginal shelter. Also WILTJA
WUSHU A Chinese martial art
WUXIA A genre of Chinese fiction with sword wielding heroes
YAKOW A crossbreed between a male yak and a domestic cow
OK, so how did you go with those –WISE words?
There are only 9 words of 7 letters, but there are 25 words of 8 letters.
Do you want to have another think?
No? OK here they are:
AIRWISE Skilled in aviation
ANYWISE In any manner
BITWISE A computer term about a program that handles bits of words
ENDWISE Lengthwise
FANWISE Spread out like an open fan
MANWISE In the manner of a man. wiseman is wrong. (WISEWOMAN is OK)
MAPWISE In the manner of a map
SUNWISE In the direction of the sun’s apparent revolution
TAXWISE Pertaining to taxes
ARCHWISE In the manner of an arch
COMBWISE In the way of a comb
CRABWISE Sideways, in the manner of a crab
EDGEWISE With the edge foremost or uppermost. Also EDGEWAYS
ELSEWISE Otherwise
FESSWISE In the manner of a band across a shield
FLATWISE With the flat side in a particular position
LIKEWISE In a similar manner
LONGWISE Along the length
OVERWISE Too wise or affectedly wise
PAIRWISE Arranged in pairs
PALEWISE A heraldic term meaning arranged vertically. Also PALEWAYS
PLOWWISE Back and forth in alternate rows
RINGWISE In the manner of a ring
SIDEWISE Towards or on one side. Also SIDEWAY, SIDEWAYS
STEPWISE Marked by a gradual progression
SUCHWISE In such a manner
TEAMWISE Harnessed together
TENTWISE Pertaining to a tent
THUSWISE In this manner
WARPWISE In a vertical direction
WEFTWISE In a horizontal direction
Some of you may already have spotted that ENDWISE can be extended to
BENDWISE and that AIRWISE can become PAIRWISE, but a really nice hook
would be another W to turn EDGEWISE into WEDGEWISE
One thing is true of all these WISE words. None of them can be extended at the end with an S or any other letter