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Effing Bingos

Mike Curry played a nice bingo against me on Monday.

It was FENNIES. I knew FENNY was good and was also sure of FENNIER. Although I had a feeling FENNIES was also good, I had to give Mike 5 extra points to check it.

As well as FENNY meaning lots of fens (a sort of peaty swamp) it is also the name for an alcoholic spirit made from coconuts. An alternative spelling is FENI.


A Grade Challenge


Here are 5 bingos for you to find containing the letter F. I must be hungry while writing this blog because all the answers are something you can eat.


A     E     F     G     M     O    R      S

A     A     F     I     R     T     T     T

A     B     F     H     I     L     L     S

A     B     D     F     L     O     R     T

A     F     I      L     N     O     R     U

Extra A Grade Challenge


Here is an anagram that is so tough unless your surname is Richards you will need an extra clue:

E     E     H     N     S     W     W

It is a word used by South Africans to describe people from Zimbabwe with rosy memories of the past.

As I said, only Nigel and Alastair might know it. It will be interesting to see if anybody else using a bit of lateral thinking can figure it out.

B & C Grade Study List

Here are 12 high probability bingos starting with the letter F that you might not have known.


FRIANDE   Woman of refined tastes who indulges in sensuous living

FADEINS   Gradual increases in the brightness of an image

FEATOUS   Shapely – also FEATEOUS

FOUDRIE   Jurisdiction of a bailiff in the Orkneys

FREEGAN   Opponent of consumerism who survives on recycled goods

FAUREST   Farthest away

FESTIER   Very bad

FERMION   Type of subatomic particle

FORPINE   To waste away

FADAISE   An obvious or silly remark

FANTEEG   Anxiety or agitation

FLEURON   Decorative pastry motif

Answers to A Grade Challenge

FROMAGES   Cheeses

FRITTATA   Unfolded chopped meat or vegetable omelet

FISHBALL   Fishcake

FLATBROD   Flatbread made with rye

FRIULANO   Italian cheese


Answer to Extra Challenge



Zimbabweans who had been well off in their own country are described by South Africans using this word because they keep saying “When we lived in Zimbabwe....”

Even just the singular WHENWE would be a cool word to play.

Happy Scrabbling



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